Getting The Sounds: Classic Guitar Effects

Learn To Play Guitar Fast? Yes, It Is Possible
First of all, we must forget everything we've ever thought about how complicated playing music is. I compare it to 'math anxiety'. Many people fear music and think that it takes a genius to be a good musician. To be a master it might take a genius, but to play songs on the guitar, sound good and have a great time is only a lesson or two away...
The Tab Method to learn to play guitar fast will be fully discussed in our next article. But, if you're in a hurry to learn the rest, you can check the resource box at the end of this article.
Now place your left hand around the guitar neck and place your right arm around the body so that your hand is lying by the strings. Adjust your body positioning so that you are completely comfortable.
If you're right handed, you will use your left hand to construct chords.The left hand fingers are bent and pressing down on the strings on the fret board. The back of the neck is curved, so that your hand molds into the shape of the neck. Your thumb is arching over the top of the neck. This is a common thumb position for constructing chords.
I have been playing and teaching music professionally for many years and I was a child piano prodigy myself. I play and teach: piano, guitar, bass, flute and drums. I have taught many friends and family members how to get started playing songs on the guitar practically overnight. When you are dedicated enough and passionate about learning the guitar, it comes a lot easier than you may think.
Let's start!
Hand Positioning
As for the method we use to learn to play guitar fast
Right Hand Arm
Playing guitar for hours can strain your back if you do not maintain an upright posture. Pick up your guitar and place the back of the guitar against your stomach. If you are right handed, the guitar neck should be pointing towards your left. Rest the guitar body on your right upper thigh.
Different from the traditional way of learning and teaching how to play a guitar, what we have here that traditional method don't have is......Guitar Tablature or 'Tab' for short. This system allows you to get propelled into playing songs and 'riffs' on the guitar almost immediately! Guitar Tab is a universal language among musicians and even professionals use it as a reference. After this a couple of lessons, you will be able to Google the Guitar Tab for pretty much any song that you want and be playing the melody line or main riff within minutes!
It is also fine to press your thumb into the back of the guitar neck when constructing chords, although this is more common when playing scales. Try out both thumb positions and use the one that is most comfortable for you.
Grab your guitar! I am assuming that prior to reading this you have a pretty good idea of how to hold a guitar and pluck the strings either with your finger(s) or with a guitar 'pick'.
If you're left handed, don't worry. You have two options here. The first option is to buy a right-handed guitar and re-string it, so that the order of the strings in figure above is reversed. The second option you have is to buy a left-handed guitar.
Using a Pick
You should grasp the pick between your thumb and forefinger of your right hand. You should hold the pick firmly and the pointed portion of the pick should be pointing away from your fist and should be sticking out about inch. The hand you are strumming with should be over the sound hole of your acoustic guitar. Your strumming hand should be placed above the strings.